As the country continues to struggle with the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic, our hopes for the future, stability and security seem to be out of reach and, it feels like we could be in turmoil for some time.
Something which is never far from my mind is how people are going to cope financially through all of this. I am the first to admit that I am fortunate and blessed to have a successful business, a comfortable home and food on the table. And although I might move in wealthy business circles and my key function is to develop properties for resale or rent, I am acutely aware of those less fortunate and their plight is never far from my mind. A decent, safe place to live should be a basic human right in this day and age. Sadly, it’s not the case. There are still people living on the streets without food or shelter and that dire situation could get worse as the Covid-19 virus continues to wreak havoc with the nation’s economy.
Within the next year, we hope to introduce a charity arm of the business which, whereby won’t be able to solve the entire country’s homeless or poverty crisis, we hope it can at least contribute in some way to helping those in need. I am in the process of looking into how best we, as a company and as a family, can do our bit for the local community. It’s a start and as they say from mighty oaks little acorns grow…
To this end, we will be starting the ball rolling with a sizeable investment which I hope to grow with donations from my business associates. In the coming months, in addition to seeking further investment for our commercial purposes, we will also be reaching out to wider networks of like-minded people who have perhaps got some money they can afford to give to helping those in need.
As we have found during our research, starting a charity isn’t as easy as you think, but we’ve set the wheels in motion. We’ve yet to decide whether Eastbank partners a bigger, more established charity, or if we branch out on our own project, but we must do something. Just imagine how much better the world would be if we all cared a little more about our fellow man.
Granted, at this time, we realise that people and companies, no matter how successful, will be cautious about parting with their cash. Nonetheless, we believe there is money that can be raised to put this plan into action.
We will be doing everything we can to find it.
Hopefully, in a year’s time, or however long it takes, the picture will look a little brighter than it is today. If we succeed, if we don’t, we will at least know we’ve tried to make a difference.
If you would like to find out more about us and what we do, please get in touch enquiries@eastbank.co.uk